Shipping and Delivery Policy

Our current shipping policy only applies to Australia

Shipping Method : Orders are usually shipped by using UPS, FedEx, and DHL.

Handling Time, Transit Time and Order Cutoff Time:

Handling time: 1-2 days (Monday – Friday)

Transit time: 7-8 days. (Monday – Friday)

Our Order cut-off Time: 5.00 PM (GMT+10:00) Australian Eastern Standard Time (Sydney).

Shipping Rate: Free shipping for all orders within Australia.
Shipping Status :

You'll get a shipment confirmation email with your tracking number as soon as your purchase ships. Don't worry if you don't immediately get a shipment confirmation email! We'll make sure to deliver the items by the delivery date or dates specified at checkout because we are aware of them.

Contact Information:

Name: Nest Vessel

Phone number: +31612526732


Business address: Utrechtseweg 341, Amersfoort, Utrecht, 3818 EL, The Netherlands

Opening hours:

Mon-Fri: 09:30-18:00
Sat: 12:00-17:00

(GMT+10:00) Australian Eastern Standard Time (Sydney)